Case Study – WiMAX Forum Interference study

The Challenge

Our customer wanted to enable the deployment of WiMAX in frequency bands earmarked for IMT-2000 technologies and needed a study to show that coexistence was practical.

Our Approach

We performed a minimum coupling loss study and Montecarlo simulations using the specific performance specifications, and measured terminal performances, to determine the likelihood of interference preventing successful operation for TDD WiMax 802.16e and FDD WCDMA, in adjacent spectrum and determined the benefits of a range of mitigation techniques to enable successful coexistence. The results were presented to; reviewed and discussed in ITU working group 8F and its successor 5D, and we contributed significantly to an ITU-R report.

The Outcome

Our coexistence study was combined with another study and published as ITU-R Report M.2113. WiMAX 802.16e and subsequently became an IMT.2000 technology.