MAC Ltd Joins the Cyber Exchange
Multiple Access Communications Limited (MAC Ltd) has joined the Cyber
MAC Ltd Joins 5G Innovation Centre
Multiple Access Communications Limited (MAC Ltd) “ a consulting and product development company specialising in mobile radio communications “ has become a member of the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) based at the University of Surrey.
Authors from MAC Ltd Awarded ‘Best Paper’ at International Conference
Two authors from Multiple Access Communications Limited (MAC Ltd), Dr Ying Li (Principal Engineer) and Peter Gould (Consulting Services Director), have had their paper entitled ‘A Low Cost Adaptive Wireless Sensor Network for Accelerometer Data Collection’ selected for a ‘Best Paper’ award at The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE 2015).
2.3 GHz Interference Studies Published
Multiple Access Communications Limited (MAC Ltd) was recently engaged by Ofcom to investigate the potential impact of interference from new LTE systems deployed in the 2.3 GHz frequency band on Bluetooth and ZigBee devices operating in the adjacent 2.4 GHz ISM band.
Smart Green Railway Sleeper Research
Multiple Access Communications Limited (MAC Ltd) is pleased to announce its participation in an innovative and collaborative research project entitled Smart Green Railway Sleepers, which brings together new manufacturing techniques in concrete and the use of embedded wireless sensors. The project is co-funded under the Technology Strategy Board’s recent ‘Materials innovation for a sustainable economy’ competition and is led by the Building Research Establishment Limited.