Security & Defence - Leaders In Software-Defined Radio

Delivering the Future of Security and Defence

Software-defined radio and digital signal processing will be at the heart of future communications, electronic sensing and spectrum survey systems. With its extensive experience and expertise in these areas, MAC Ltd is the ideal research and development partner for your security and defence products.

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Delivering the Future of Security and Defence

Software-defined radio and digital signal processing will be at the heart of future communications, electronic sensing and spectrum survey systems. With its extensive experience and expertise in these areas, MAC Ltd is the ideal research and development partner for your security and defence products.

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1. Requirements Capture

We can work with you to translate your product user requirements into engineering requirements that will be used to drive the design of your product.

4. Prototyping

We can create a proof of concept (PoC) prototype of your product using evaluation boards and development kits.

7. Support, Maintenance and Feature Enhancement

We can provide supporting documentation and training for your product. We can respond to user feedback and provide bug fixes. We can develop feature enhancements and integrate these into the product in current or future iterations.

1. Requirements Capture

We can work with you to translate your product user requirements into engineering requirements that will be used to drive the design of your product.

2. Prioritisation and Roadmap

We can advise on the feasibility of delivering these requirements in your product and work with you to understand and make informed trade-offs.

3. Design

We can develop a detailed functional breakdown and architecture for your product. We can model specific aspects of the design to ensure they will meet the required performance goals for your product.

4. Prototyping

We can create a proof of concept (PoC) prototype of your product using evaluation boards and development kits.

5. Demonstrating and Testing

We can test the prototype in a representative environment (real or simulated) to validate performance. We can assist with end user demonstrations of the prototype to review and refine the requirements.

6. Minimum Viable Product

We can lower the size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) of the prototype to produce a minimum viable product (MVP), including designing and managing the manufacture of bespoke hardware.

7. Support, Maintenance and Feature Enhancement

We can provide supporting documentation and training for your product. We can respond to user feedback and provide bug fixes. We can develop feature enhancements and integrate these into the product in current or future iterations.

Our Expertise

Modelling: Modelling a range of different protocols and algorithms at the link and systems level, including modulation and coding schemes, medium access techniques and routing protocols.

Software-Defined Radio Devices and Platforms: We have expertise in developing on a wide range of SDR platforms, including the popular range provided by Ettus Research ( and other third-party proprietary platforms. We have expertise in using a range of different processors, including ARM and TI devices, and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), including Xilinx and Altera devices. We also have experience in using single chip transceivers and RF sampling using RF System on Chip (RFSoC) devices.

Development Frameworks: We have expertise in using different development frameworks and architectures, including the Software Communications Architecture (SCA), the European Secure Software Defined Radio (ESSOR - ) and the Open Component Portability Infrastructure (OpenCPI) framework -

Wireless Standards: We have expertise in working with a wide range of open and proprietary radio standards including cellular (2G, 3G, 4G and 5G), local area (eg, WiFi, Bluetooth and Zigbee) and Internet of Things (IoT) (eg, LoraWAN, LTE-M and NB-IoT).

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Our Expertise

Modelling: Modelling a range of different protocols and algorithms at the link and systems level, including modulation and coding schemes, medium access techniques and routing protocols.

Software-Defined Radio Devices and Platforms: We have expertise in developing on a wide range of SDR platforms, including the popular range provided by Ettus Research ( and other third-party proprietary platforms. We have expertise in using a range of different processors, including ARM and TI devices, and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), including Xilinx and Altera devices. We also have experience in using single chip transceivers and RF sampling using RF System on Chip (RFSoC) devices.

Development Frameworks: We have expertise in using different development frameworks and architectures, including the Software Communications Architecture (SCA), the European Secure Software Defined Radio (ESSOR - ) and the Open Component Portability Infrastructure (OpenCPI) framework -

Wireless Standards: We have expertise in working with a wide range of open and proprietary radio standards including cellular (2G, 3G, 4G and 5G), local area (eg, WiFi, Bluetooth and Zigbee) and Internet of Things (IoT) (eg, LoraWAN, LTE-M and NB-IoT).

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"A first class job! I like working with all you guys at MAC you always do what we want and it works!!!"
- UK Security Customer


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