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Monitor SDR Boards

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Dual-Channel, Multi-Band Down-Converter

The MON4000 card is the latest software defined radio platform in MAC Ltd's MONITOR family. Primarily designed for off-air test applications in cellular radio bands the MON4000 boasts two channels of RF-to-bits conversion for up to six distinct bands in the frequency range 400 to beyond 4000 MHz.

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Compact Low-Power HF Receiver

Based on the MON3100 DSP platform, the MON3120 card is a low-power, high performance, software-defined high-frequency (HF) radio receiver. Baseband sample data are transferred to a host PC via a high-speed USB interface. The MON3120 is supplied in a 2.5” hard-disk form factor.

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CatchALL™ SDR Units

CatchALL™ M2

Software Defined Receiver

The CatchAll-M2 packages a MON4000 dual-channel, multi-band receiver in an extruded aluminium enclosure together with a dedicated base card that enhances the capabilities of the basic MON4000 board, adding, amongst other things, support for reception in the 160 to 180 and 380 to 480 MHz RF bands.

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CatchALL™ M4

Software Defined Receiver

Building upon our MON4000 dual, independent channel Multi-band receiver, each supporting six filtered frequency bands, we have combined two MON4000s into a four channel survey receiver, known as CatchAll-M4. 

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Radio Survey Tools

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Signalsphere Suite

MAC Ltd has combined its experience of designing and building accurate signal-strength measurement receivers and its knowledge of signal processing techniques to produce Signalsphere, a network-independent, portable radio survey and analysis solution.

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CatchALL™ M2

CatchAll-M2 is a small, low-power and light-weight system-agnostic radio survey receiver with multi-band, dual input capability that advances the same RF sampling methodology as the proven CatchAll-SE receiver and original CatchAll receiver - the de facto RF measurement receivers for TETRA systems when the RF signal sampling needs to be compliant .

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Signalsphere Explorer

Signalsphere Explorer works with Signalsphere Recorder providing an efficient means of displaying captured measurement results. Results from radio surveys are geographically presented on a map allowing the user to display and analyse captured test data.

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Signalsphere Recorder

Signalsphere Recorder is the capture software used to measure your TETRA network Signalsphere Recorder is able to capture two separate TETRA bands of up to 20MHz bandwidth each. Typical sample rates allow for two measurements per TETRA slot, with an optional slot activity estimation and filtering algorithm available for networks.

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