Remote collaboration enables MAC Ltd to support Spirent during Covid restrictions

Multiple Access Communications (MAC) Ltd is pleased to announce that it has recently completed a complex firmware porting exercise for Spirent Communications plc (LSE:SPT), a leading provider of test, assurance and analytics solutions for next-generation devices and networks. Spirent engaged MAC Ltd to work alongside its own development team to support internal developments on alternative platform approaches. 

MAC Ltd was tasked to investigate how Spirent’s FPGA code and embedded software would fit into alternative SDR platforms and to produce a working demonstration on an example platform. This task was made more challenging by the need to combine Spirent’s existing code repository, supplied as a Windows HdlAuthor project, with the Linux-based build process for the chosen SDR, whilst also migrating the FPGA device family and having to conduct the whole project whilst engineers from both teams worked from home due to the Covid-19 crisis. 

MAC Ltd’s prior experience, gathered from numerous previous SDR projects, was a key enabler for establishing the right firmware structure from the outset. This prevented time-consuming design changes mid-project and when code changes were necessary their scope was well contained preventing a domino-effect.      

Despite the challenges caused by remote working and perhaps because of the enforced separation of Covid, MAC Ltd’s and Spirent’s teams were able to make effective use of collaborative working platforms for inter-team communications both for project management and remote integration. The result being that the project was delivered on time without a single face-to-face meeting.

Spirent chose MAC Ltd for its long heritage and proven skills in firmware and software development for software defined radios. Mark Holbrow, Senior Director of Product Development at Spirent commented “having worked previously with MAC Ltd we knew that they had the right mix of skills and experience to overcome the technical hurdles presented by this project and could trust them to deliver high quality, reliable code. Their collaborative approach to team working enabled them to fit seamlessly into our project team.” David Kenyon, MAC Ltd’s MD replied, “we are delighted that Spirent has recognised MAC Ltd’s technical know-how and has trusted us to be part of their product delivery team. At MAC Ltd we thrive on tackling difficult projects and always strive to exceed our customers expectations. Our team of Xilinx Certified FPGA designers regularly steps up to this challenge and is one of many reasons why our customers return to us time and again.”

For further information on MAC Ltd’s services and to find out more about how we can assist with your FPGA design please head to our website at and then contact us to discuss your requirements with our team of experts.